Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Love Lab: A Spiral Lab Yoga Retreat for Women


I know it's been a while since I've posted anything new here, but I'm back and I can't wait to share all the new things ahead. 

I am so excited to announce that I will be hosting a yoga retreat with my good friend and colleague Karma Mayet called, The Love Lab: A Spiral Lab Yoga Retreat for Women.  This amazing event is happening February 17th-20th at Garrison Institute in Garrison, NY. It’s such a beautiful space! In this time where racism, xenophobia and misogyny are a dividing line, at this retreat we will be contemplating LOVE as a healing force. For more information about the retreat please check our website, www.spirallabguru.com.  The Early Bird Special is on NOW! Pay in full by Dec. 15th for deep discounts. We hope you will join us in this LOVE movement. 

As we move into this holiday season and into the time of longer nights, consider giving yourself this gift of self-healing and join us in Garrison. There is no time to be silent and sit in the shadows or on the sidelines any longer.  It’s time to bring all of our magic to the forefront in order to make this world a better place.

Thank you for your love and support and stay tuned!   

Spiral Lab Presents
The Love Lab: A Yoga Retreat for Women
February 17-20, 2017
@Garrison Institute
Garrison, NY
The Early Bird Special is on NOW!  Pay in full by 
Dec. 15th and get deep discounts!

For more information/daily practice/Garrison Institute info/fees go to www.spiriallabguru.com

Garrison Institute along the Hudson River! 


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